Friday, October 29, 2010

Sharpened Image

                        These are my sharpened images.  First i pulled up these pictures in camera raw.  THEN I PUT THEM IN PHOTOTSHOP.  The last step was to sharpen these images

Thursday, October 28, 2010


                 This is my mid-term project.  I mainly used the quick selection tool for this mid term.  I also used the layer mask tool for this project.


                  These are some pictures that i got off the internet.  All of these images illustrate macro.  Macro is a setting that you use on your camera that lets you take up close pictures.

Camera raw

               This is my camera raw project.  I did not do this by using photoshop, i used something called camera raw.  The advantages to camera raw are it is way faster than photoshop

Spooky image

                 This is my spooky im age project.  I took this picture of one of my class mates. then i edited it on the computer.  I mainly used the brush tool for this project

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Carters Mountain

      This is my carters mountain project.  I color corected all of these images.  I did something different to all of these images. We used camera for this project

Visual puns

             This is my visual puns project.  A visual pun is a word that you break up into 2 pictures.  I got these images from google.  My first one is strawberry and my second one is rockstar.

Rule of thirds

              These are my rule of thirds pictures.  I took these pictures at my house.  The picture of the bus i took at carters mountain.  I found it pretty easy to take these pictures.


          This is my exam project.  I used my quick selection tool to cut out my two people and my bird.  I used the layer mask for my fire hydrant.  I put shadows on both of the people.  Last i cloned away the date in the top left corner.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

rule of thirds

           These are three pictures that i got off the inernet that are examples of rule of thirds. Rule of thirds is when you take a picture the main focus of the picture is on one of the intersecting lines. 


       These are my kaleidoscope pictures.  The first picture is the before of the picture and the 2nd is after i finished my project. 
      This is my tools review project.  I mainly used the quick selection tool for this project.  I also used the magnetic lasso for this project. 

5 pictures

        These are my five favorite pictures.  I dont know why they're my favorite but I like them the best.  I took these pictures all around my house.

pop art

               For this pop art project i ahd to make this image a high contrast image. I had to make it black and white.  I also had to put benday dots on my statue. At first the image was all gray and i put lots of color into it.

pop art pictures

           Pop art is art movement that are influenced by famous people or celebritys.  I chose these 3 picture because they are very colorful and i think they look very good.  I got these 3 pictures off of google and the artist that did these wasAndy Warhall.