Friday, September 24, 2010

change my look

  This is my change my look project. I mainly used the quick mask tool for this project.  My first picture is a picture of me in a winter setting and my second picture is a picture of sarah in the wieght room. I took these pictures outside of the school and my partner was sarah. My third picture is of taylr swift, I changed her hair color and her eye color.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

magic wand

this is my magic wand project. I mainly used the magic wand for this project.  We had the get all of the pieces of the first page and copy them on to the bank page.  Then we had to arrang our pieces to make a figure

layer mask

This is my layer mask project. I mainly used the mask tool for this project. This was my favorite project so far.

crazy combos

This is my crazy combo project.  I combined  lotxs of animals, such as a hippo, angel wings, cattail, duck feet,and a chain.

Monday, September 13, 2010

all about me

This is my all about me project.  I used the quick selection tool on this project.  All of the things that you see in this picture are my favorite things to do or favorite places to go.